Here are some extremely funny comic strips from one of my favorite humor

Another Super-Funny BATMAN COMIC STRIP From Bizarro's Dan Piraro
Inked Page: Funny Comic Strip. Today’s Comic Superstar: Larnman rocks.
I posted a Cyanide & Happiness comic strip
And admittedly, the strip has
And here's another funny comic strip that Smurfy Steph previously submitted
Kisame , Deidara / Naruto Shippuuden funny comic strip
easter-comic-strip. Share and Enjoy: These icons link to social bookmarking
There is a Calvin and Hobbes comic-strip which neatly summarizes this point:
Funny Comic strips (post your faves)
plus this very, VERY inappropriately funny comic strip.
Funny Comic strips (post your faves)
Funny comic strip: Android vs iPhone, who is REALLY better?
Please pay close attention and you can enjoy next comic strip. Funny Ghost
comic strip
30 Funny Twitter Comics | Webdesigner Depot
And saw funny comic strip this from
Which of these supposedly-funny strips is the least funny? Garfield
>Watch funny animated videos & funny comic strips!
funny comic strips